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Changing the World

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
- Winston Churchill -

At Integrated Physical Therapy, our passion for helping people goes far beyond what we do day-to-day. We strive to make a difference in this world through our work with patients, in our community, and around the world. Some of the charities that mean the most to us are listed below.
  • TurningPoint Breast Cancer Rehabilitation –
    Through a close friend, Scott was introduced to this amazing organization. After a tour and meeting some of the amazing staff, it became obvious he had to get involved. In 2013, Scott lost his beautiful, brave and amazing wife to breast cancer. Scott believes Turning Point and it’s caring staff truly represent the love and compassion that Brenda Dixon demonstrated everyday.
Turning point breast cancer rehabilitation logo.
A collage of photos with the words up honduras.
  • UrbanPromise Honduras-
    Through happenstance, Scott was introduced to UrbanPromise Honduras several years ago and spends one week each January in Honduras, helping the community and volunteering in UPH AfterSchool Program.

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